2017/08/08 (Mon)
Upon the visit of H.E. Dr. Mohammad Abdul-Kareem Al-Issa, the former Minister of Justice of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to Japan, “Rabita Day” was held by the Japan-Saudi Arabia Parliamentary Friendship League. In his talk on “Muslim World League and the instability of the Middle East”, it was mentioned that extremism is in fact a skewed ideology that must be combated. It was also pointed out that fighting them through military power will not effectively eliminate them from their roots. He claims that we must rather increase the love throughout the world, spread peace, and work hard to combat them ideologically. It was also stated that the aim of the Muslim World League, where he serves as Secretary General, is to enhance communication amongst religions, and to guide the youth towards the correct understanding. These words were of great value, as it significantly overlaps with some of the aims of Nagoya Mosque as well. May every single one of us strive to work and pray in order to realize world peace.