2016. 11. 12 (Saturday)
This year too, there was hold a fall festival in Kamejima school district to which Nagoya mosque belongs.
6 adults and 5 children from the mosque joined the festival.
Just like last year, rice-cakes mixed with soybean flour, grated radish, bean-paste, or sweetened or salted soy sauce were served. Male high school students experienced rice-cake pounding, and female high school students ate the ZENZAI or ODEN which was kindly brought by the members of the neighborhood association, while adults had some time making a friendly chat with members of the neighborhood association.

We are delighted that Muslim foreigner males and scarf-figured females too, are naturally accepted into their local environment by such joining. Also from now on, we will keep building up good relations with neighbours

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(For a description of last year’s fall festival click here