To those that use Masjid Nagoya, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
The number of COVID-19 positive cases has decreased remarkably this month. Also in Aichi prefecture, it is about 20 cases per day. Therefore, we will be allowing the 2nd and 4th floors to be used for individual groups who intend to reopen their gatherings. Please note that the following requirements for gatherings should be implemented when using the prayer rooms.

[Prayer Room Guidelines]
・Exceeding maximum number for each floor is not allowed. (2F: 24 people maximum, 4F: 29 people maximum)
・When you will preform Salah, please stand where the white colored tape is placed for preventng close contact. (Similary, while having a gathering or any other activity,  people are expected to be maintaining an appropriate distance between individuals always. )
・Everyone must wear a mask. Feel free to use the masks that are placed in every floor. ( Those who has issue on wearing a mask like babies or one with allergies should refrain from coming for your brothers and sisters. )
・ It is never allowed to have any drinks or food inside the room in order to keep the manner of wearing a mask. Let’s be good role models. (Also if one is out of the room, drinking may be allowed if one is not talking or not facing any person.)
・Upon entering the Masjid, all individuals are expected to disinfect their hands. 
・Please do not close all the windows in the room while praying or gathering. Always remember to circulate the air and let the fresh air come in. (Keep your ear to the volume. Since we have to open windows, loud voices may harm the neighbors.)
・As always, any individual who has symptoms of fever, has history of traveling overseas in the past 2 weeks, as well as those that are unable to meet any of the conditions mentioned above, will not be allowed to enter the Masjid.

[Those who arrange gatherings]
・Please submit the form in order to avoid a scheduling conflict. (The schedule can be checked from the calendar below)
・In case of cluster outbreaks happening, it is our duty to report the participants. Therefore, everytime, the person responsible of the gathering is to submit “Contact Sheet” of all participants. (The sheet is prepared at the entrance, or can be downloaded here)

Should you need any clarification, please feel free to contact us through e-mail.
(Please refrain from calling for inquiries on this matter)