DSC_0981“SYM – SPACE for YOUNG MUSLIMS Waseda” gave a talk for mothers at Nagoya Masjid.

Date: September 16th (Sat) 4PM – 5PM
Place: 4F prayer room, Nagoya Masjid
Participants: 15 Mothers with young Muslim children, 5 young Muslims

SYM is a space established for all Muslim University students raised in Japan. The talker from the group shared with us the realities and problems the young Muslims face, using examples from his own experience as well as other young Muslims he got to know since SYM’s establishment. He also presented us 4 points that he wishes the mothers will take home and implement.

  1. Create an atmosphere for comfortable conversation
    (to listen to concerns and answer questions from the children, so that they do not consider Islam to be an illogical way of life that they cannot be convinced of)
  2. Proactively learn Islam
    (to teach children the beauty of Islam, rather than only forcing them the rules without their understanding)
  3. Become the best role model
    (by practicing Islam in way that you become the most shining role model for children)
  4. Become proactive in supporting youth groups
    (to provide children with an environment where they can befriend other Muslims)

Below are some comments from the mothers that participated.

  • I felt hopeful of the future. Now that I understood how important the mother’s role is, I feel that my faith will be tested.
  • His journey from being far from Islam, to falling in love with it was especially interesting. I agree with his point that rather than thinking of sending children abroad as the only option, it is important to make the situation of Islamic education in Japan better.
  • I felt that being a Japanese and a Muslim at the same time is possible. I will nurture my child in a way that he grows up to be a Muslim while also attaining the Japaneseness.
  • Mashallah. I hope the situation for Islamic education in Japan gets better. I wish to support my child in making Muslim friends.
  • It was beneficial to know that having a role model makes a huge difference. I must provide them with the environment where they can meet Muslim peers.
  • As my husband only talks about the surfacing rules and regulations, I wish to support my child by telling them the beautiful contents of Islam and the values that it teaches.
  • I felt his love for Islam. I hope there are more people like him. I hope he can talk to the fathers as well.
  • I realized that the support for the second generation is similar to the support for converts like us.

170916 SYMSYMBelow are some comments from the young Muslims that participated.

  • It was cool.
  • It made me think that maybe I will start loving Islam too someday.
  • With non-Muslim friends, I’m in a position of explaining Islam. With Muslims, we can share each other’s thoughts so I understood really well that we need Muslim friends.

※ SYM’s Facebook page can be viewed here.