151219松山先生講演 (2)Dr. Mujahid Matsuyama Youhei is a research fellow in Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia in University of Tokyo in addition to be a part-time teacher in Nagoya University of Foreign Studies. We received a kind lecture (from Dr. Mujahid) under the title “Islamic Jurisprudence of minorities” talking about the problems which Muslims face while living in Japan from the viewpoint of Sunni doctrine and jurisprudence. The following lines describe the features of that lecture.

Time: December/ 19th (Sat) from 15:20 till 16:50.
Place: Masjid Nagoya, praying room in the 4th floor.
Attendants: about 40 Muslims (in addition to listeners in the 2nd floor).

Contents of the lecture:
The jurisprudence scholar, Alwani, has proposed “Islamic Jurisprudence of minorities” for Muslims who were born and are living in non-Muslim countries. Having obtained the approval of many other scholars like Qaradawi and Ibn Baiyah, Fatwa (Jurisprudential opinion, doctrinal answer) about various problems were given.
Examples of Fatwa:
1. Continuation of marriage relation in spite of converting of the wife alone into Islam.
2. Combination of two prayers because of “necessity”.
3. Pig-derived Gelatin.

  • According to the opinion of some of the jurisprudence rite [Mazhab], the characteristics of Najaasah (filth) are thought to become extinct by Istihaalah (transformation of [chemical] characteristics).
  • Almost all the information related to Halal certification in Japan is based on the Shaafi’y rite which is not more than one point of view after all.
  • Shari’a ([Jurisprudential] rules of Allah) is universal. However the real life is changing. When a problem occurs, the right interpretation of Shari’a [about that problem] is difficult for ordinary believers. The individual’s own interpretation has the risk of being an interpretation that is not approved by the scholars. It is essential to follow the opinion of trustable scholars.

151219松山先生講演 (3) 151219松山先生講演 (1)